Luis Neves Ferreira
Luis Neves Ferreira eXp Portugal


O que dizem sobre mim

Dear Luis, I am very happy to have successfully completed the transaction today. It was thanks to your hard work and closing the deal, and my wife and I are very grateful for what you did. Luyang
Luyang - Investidor
Luyang - Investidor
Quero-te agradecer uma vez mais o profissionalismo por mais um negócio bem fechado e acima de tudo pela amizade, honestidadade e humildade que sempre demonstraste em todos os processos ao longo destes anos.
Elisa Miranda - Investidora
Elisa Miranda - Investidora
Depois de 3 meses à procura de um apartamento para arrendar, conheci o Luís e em menos de 1 semana encontrei o local perfeito para viver! O Luís para além de muito simpático, entende bem as necessidades dos seus clientes, o que torna toda a experiência de procura de casa muito mais gratificante. Obrigada Luís!
Rita Matias - Empresária
Rita Matias - Empresária
Luis Ferreira is a real trust advisor to have in our lives. Super friendly, frank and supportive person. He was instrumental on my decision to move to Lisbon recently. He gave to me and to my family the right attention making himself available many times with patience and dedication. His connections and relationship across the market place are enormous and he was very helpful not only in the real estate business, but in overall mission to settle us in. First-class service !
Hugo Recchimuzzi - Cyber Security Sales Manager
Hugo Recchimuzzi - Cyber Security Sales Manager
...ter o Luís é uma dádiva. É poder confiar sem reservas, é a paz. Obrigado Luís! Ficam saudades desses dias, da tua presença assídua, do apoio altamente profissional. Nunca esqueceremos, nunca.
Gui Abreu de Lima - Empresária
Gui Abreu de Lima - Empresária
Queria agradecer-lhe todo o apoio durante esta fase de primordial importância, que é a compra de uma casa. No meio de um processo inerentemente burocrático , foi uma segurança para mim poder contar com a sua disponibilidade e ajuda, sempre rápida e eficiente. Desejo-lhe futuros bons negócios, com a certeza de qualquer pessoa que tenha a sorte de o ter como intermediário neste processo, tem uma segurança acrescida na compra da casa.
André Figueiredo - Médico
André Figueiredo - Médico
...he sent me many property details using an algorithm but he also took the time to send me extra details of properties that he thought might match my requirements more fully. From these we drew up a shortlist and then Luís drove me to each of these properties over a period of four to five days. At no time did he put pressure on me and he empathised with my position and quickly came to understand what sort of property I really needed and wanted... and he found a property within my price range. This was all done in a professional, friendly, open and honest way. I have total trust in Luís, demonstrated by the fact that I gave Luis power of attorney to sign for the property on my behalf in my absence. I cannot recommend Luís highly enough and he will certainly be my first port of call for any future property transaction in Portugal in the future. He has made my transition to a life in Portugal a reality in so many ways, going above and beyond any reasonable expectation of a property agent.
Peter Churms - British Airways Captain
Peter Churms - British Airways Captain
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